Black beauty (Graphic Novel)

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Black beauty (Graphic Novel)

Black beauty (Graphic Novel)

Auteur(s) du document : L. L. Owens and J. Tanner

Author : L.L. Owens, J. Tanner (ill.), adaptation from Anna Sewell’s novel

Editor : Minnesota : Stone Arch Books, 2007.

Collection : Classic Fiction

Description : 72 p.

Number of copies : 5

Black Beauty faces human cruelty and mistreatment in a world that cares little for the happiness of animals. Written in graphic novel format.

Some of the world’s best stories are retold in this series. Well known villains and heroes take new shape while staying true to the original while artists add to the excitement of stories that range from medieval England to the pirate haunted South Seas. [Stone Arch Books

Ressources : Livres

Supports : Répertoire

Disciplines : Anglais

Niveaux scolaires : Secondaire, Secondaire - Deuxième année

Formulaire disponible le 2024-08-26 13:00

Date actuelle : 2024-07-26 20:43:55

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