Mike & Riel Mysteries. 1, Hit and Run


Mike & Riel Mysteries. 1, Hit and Run

Mike & Riel Mysteries. 1, Hit and Run

Auteur(s) du document : Norah McClintock

Author : Norah McClintock

Editor : Publication : Minneapolis : Darby Creek, 2014.

Description : 232 p.

Number of copies: 40


Fifteen-year-old Mike McGill has lived with his Uncle Billy since his mother’s death. Only ten years older than Mike, Billy loves to party, and he doesn’t pay much attention when Mike starts getting in trouble. But nothing gets by Mike’s history teacher, an ex-cop named Riel– especially not long-hidden information about Mike’s mother. Her death might not have been an accident after all!

Ressources : Livres

Supports : Répertoire

Disciplines : Anglais

Niveaux scolaires : Secondaire, Secondaire - Quatrième année

Formulaire disponible le 2024-08-26 13:00

Date actuelle : 2024-07-27 00:32:10

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