Répertoire anglais

Auteur(s) du document : Sarah N. Harvey
Author : Sarah N. Harvey
Editor : Victoria (Canada), Orca Book Publishers, 2010
Collection : Orca Sounding
Description : 128 p.
Number of copies : 4
When Jack develops an interest in something, he puts his all into it, making lists, doing research and learning all he can. When his best friend Leah decides to have plastic surgery for her sixteenth birthday, Jack is horrified—and then determined to stop her. Researching the surgery and the results, he finds that there are unscrupulous surgeons operating on the very young, and no one does anything about it. Jack organizes a protest and becomes an instant celebrity. But when someone else takes up the cause and the protest turns violent, Jack is forced to make some tough decisions. [sarahnharvey.com]