E-mail Exchange

Situation d'évaluation

In this short evaluation situation for C2, students read an e-mail exchange between two secondary students and then complete two tasks. The first task requires them to fill out a table about Mark, one of the correspondents (in particular, about a trip he is taking). The second task requires them to reconstruct the resume of the other correspondent, Suzy, based on information she gives about herself in her e-mails. In order to prepare for task 2, students carry out a preparatory task in which they watch a short video on resume writing and engage in the response process, taking notes and discussing with peers.

Contenu : Un fichier .zip de 3,85 Mo contenant :

  • Teacher’s Guide
  • Preparation Booklet
  • Reading Booklet
  • Answer Booklet

Licence Creative Commons

Cette œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution – Pas d’utilisation commerciale – Partage dans les mêmes conditions 4.0 International

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Des activités en lien avec la progression des apprentissages.

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