Children At Work

Situation d'évaluation

The purpose of this evaluation situation is to allow students to demonstrate their competencies in ESL, thus allowing teachers to complete collecting the data needed to determine the level of competency each student has reached in each of the three competencies at the end of the cycle.
The issue addressed in this situation is child labour in Québec in the 19th century. This topic is somewhat familiar to students, since they have studied child labour and the Industrial Revolution in Europe as part of the Secondary Cycle One History and Citizenship Education program. The reinvestment and writing task in this situation requires students to complete a diary entry describing their day as if they were a child working in a factory in Montréal in the 19th century.

Contenu Un fichier .zip de 13,7 Mo contenant :

  • consignes.pdf
  • reading_booklet.pdf
  • student_booklet.pdf
  • teacher_guide.pdf
  • teacher_resource_booklet.pdf
  • writing_booklet.pdf

Sources :  MELS

Licence Creative Commons

Cette œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution – Pas d’utilisation commerciale – Partage dans les mêmes conditions 4.0 International.

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Des activités en lien avec la progression des apprentissages.

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