Live and Learn

Situation d'évaluation

Health and Well-Being : Self-awareness and awareness of his/her choices of action, recognizing the impact of his/her actions on his/her successes and difficulties, recognizing that he/she is part of a community.
Description The purpose of this prototype evaluation situation is to allow students to demonstrate competency in two ESL competencies, Interacts orally in English and Writes and produces texts. This situation therefore allows teachers to complete collecting the data needed to determine the level of competency each student has attained at the end of the year.
In this evaluation situation, students discuss moods and emotions and write a personal narrative about a particular event from which they learned a lesson.

Contenu  : Un fichier .zip de 3 Mo contenant :

  • Copie de Competency 2.doc
  • ESL Final C2gaillucie.doc
    grille c3.doc
  • Student-Booklet.pdf
  • Teacher-Guide.pdf
  • Teachers-Ressource-Booklet.pdf
  • Writing-Booklet.pdf

Sources : MELS


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Cette œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution – Pas d’utilisation commerciale – Partage dans les mêmes conditions 4.0 International.

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Des activités en lien avec la progression des apprentissages.

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