Supports : Situations d'évaluation

École nationale de magie Casnar (SÉ MELS 2006)

Situation d'apprentissage et d'évaluation

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Jeunes à l’écran (SÉ MELS 2007)

Situation d'apprentissage et d'évaluation

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Une entrée colorée (SÉ MELS 2006)

Situation d'apprentissage et d'évaluation

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Enjoliveurs inc (SÉ MELS 2005)

Situation d'apprentissage et d'évaluation

Cette œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’utilisation commerciale - Partage dans les mêmes conditions 4.0 International.

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Des choix judicieux (SÉ MELS 2005)

Situation d'apprentissage et d'évaluation

Cette œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’utilisation commerciale - Partage dans les mêmes conditions 4.0 International.

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Quebec’s Olympic Race

Situation d'évaluation

Dans cette situation d’évaluation, l’élève se penche sur la question de la mise en candidature de la ville de Québec pour les Olympiques d’hiver 2022. L’élève réinvestit sa compréhension des textes lus et entendus dans un article d’opinion

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Achieving a Dream

Situation d'évaluation

This evaluation situation is designed to allow students to demonstrate their competencies in ESL, thus allowing teachers to complete collecting the data needed to determine the level of competency each student has reached in each of the three competencies at the end of the year.

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Why are frogs important to us ?

Situation d'évaluation

In this evaluation situation, you will learn about frogs and discover their importance to the earth, humans and the environment.

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Sharks ! Good, Bad or Scary ?

Situation d'évaluation

To help students develop a deeper understanding of sharks through various texts and to promote responsible attitude towards the species.

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The World of Clowns

Situation d'évaluation

Presentation of the evaluation situation: The students will have fun with clowns and learn about the serious side of clowning.

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Live and Learn

Situation d'évaluation

The purpose of this prototype evaluation situation is to allow students to demonstrate competency in two ESL competencies, Interacts orally in English and Writes and produces texts. This situation therefore allows teachers to complete collecting the data needed to determine the level of competency each student has attained at the end of the year.
In this evaluation situation, students discuss moods and emotions and write a personal narrative about a particular event from which they learned a lesson.

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What Are the Secret to Success

Situation d'évaluation

Students will construct their identity by thinking about personal and career planning.

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Children At Work

Situation d'évaluation

The issue addressed in this situation is child labour in Québec in the 19th century. This topic is somewhat familiar to students, since they have studied child labour and the Industrial Revolution in Europe as part of the Secondary Cycle One History and Citizenship Education program. The reinvestment and writing task in this situation requires students to complete a diary entry describing their day as if they were a child working in a factory in Montréal in the 19th century.

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Risky Business Adaptation scolaire

Situation d'évaluation

By carrying out three complex tasks, students will be able to answer the driving question : « How risky is my lifestyle? »

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Chocolate Fever !

Situation d'évaluation

The purpose of this evaluation situation is to allow students to demonstrate their competencies in ESL. Thus, allowing teachers to complete the collection of data to determine the level of the three competencies at the end of the cycle.
This evaluation situation is about chocolate, its effects on our health, its uses, the conditions in which it is grown, and its importance in our society, both culturally and economically.

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Un animal blessé ! Que faire ?

Situation d'évaluation

Tu as sûrement connu quelqu’un qui a vécu l’expérience suivante, ou tu l’as peut-être toi-même déjà vécu. Tu es en balade avec des amis ou avec tes parents et tu trouves un animal blessé sur ton chemin. Tu veux naturellement lui venir en aide, mais tu n’es pas vraiment certain de faire ce qu’il y de mieux pour sa santé. Dans la prochaine activité que l’on te propose, c’est exactement le problème que tu devras régler : Quoi faire?

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Le projet de Phylippe

Situation d'évaluation

À l’école secondaire Ste-Claire-de-Lafontaine à Val-des-Lacs, il est de coutume de faire un voyage avec les élèves à la fin de l’année scolaire. Cette année, les élèves veulent aller à Toronto. Phylippe, un élève débrouillard, s’est informé des coûts du voyage.

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Are Cell Phones Safe ?

Situation d'évaluation

The issue addressed in this situation is the usage of a device which may be dangerous for teenagers.

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E-mail Exchange

Situation d'évaluation

In this short evaluation situation for C2, students read an e-mail exchange between two secondary students and then complete two tasks. The first task requires them to fill out a table about Mark, one of the correspondents (in particular, about a trip he is taking). The second task requires them to reconstruct the resume of the other correspondent, Suzy, based on information she gives about herself in her e-mails. In order to prepare for task 2, students carry out a preparatory task in which they watch a short video on resume writing and engage in the response process, taking notes and discussing with peers.

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Solutions to Bullying

Situation d'évaluation

Description Students will get acquainted with the concept of bullying. They will first learn about being bullied at school, in their social life and finally they will expand the concept to their working life. As a final task, they will find solutions to the different bullying problems and they will write an advice letter. As an optional activity teacher and students can prepare an anti-bullying campaign for school.

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Getting Ready for the Future … at School !

Situation d'évaluation

Students will have to write a letter to a magazine editor to let him know how school is helping them to prepare for the workplace.

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Une journée idéale

Situation d'évaluation

Prototype d’épreuve Mathématique, fin du 2e cycle du primaire

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Des territoires régions et le tourisme

Situation d'évaluation

Située dans l’océan Pacifique Sud, Tahiti est la plus grande et la plus connue des îles de la Polynésie française. Pour la plupart des touristes, Tahiti est un rêve du bout du monde. Vous vous laissez tenter par la publicité et décidez de vous boucler un voyage vers cette destination.

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Le tourisme d’aventure

Situation d'évaluation

Une situation d'évaluation sur le tourisme d'aventure.

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What’s up body

Situation d'évaluation

[Secondaire 1] Cette œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’utilisation commerciale - Partage dans les mêmes conditions 4.0 International.

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Teenagers in the 1950s

Situation d'évaluation

Description : les élèves vont connaître la vie des jeunes adolescents des années 50. [Secondaire 1] Contenu : un fichier .zip de 11 Mo (Fichiers Word – PDF – PPT) Sources :  Conseiller pédagogique de la CS Marguerite-Bourgeoys. Cette œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas [...]

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Are You Cut Out to Be a Knight ?

Situation d'évaluation

Description : Students discover life of knights. [Secondaire 1] Contenu : un fichier .zip de 5,33 Mo comprenant : Teacher's guide Student booklet Final task Final copy Coat of arms Instructions for copying Sources : José Pinard, Commission scolaire des Découvreurs Cette œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons [...]

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Are you an artist

Situation d'évaluation

Niveau secondaire 1. Cette œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’utilisation commerciale - Partage dans les mêmes conditions 4.0 International.

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Jobs from Above and Below

Situation d'évaluation

Les élèves vont découvrir les risques de certains types d’emploi en haute altitude et sous l’eau.

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Tasty Experience

Situation d'évaluation

Situation d’évaluation où l’élève aura à réfléchir sur le choix de sa nourriture.

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What Are the Secrets to Success ?

Situation d'évaluation

Students discuss what they already know about success and the secrets to success . The teacher presents his or her own success and secrets to success as a riddle (Cycle Two) or as a success story (Cycle Three). The teacher models finding secrets to success using the story The Great One and then students, working in pairs, read and explore two success stories about famous people. Individually, they fill in a graphic organizer for each famous person’s secrets to success.

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What’s Up at EMC ?

Situation d'évaluation

To have students develop an active relationship with others and with their environment (i.e. a summer camp setting)

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What I Really Want and Need From Adult

Situation d'évaluation

Health and well-being: Awareness of his/her basic needs (physical needs, need for safety, need for acceptance, need to develop harmoniously as a girl or boy, need for self-fulfillment) Description Students will be given the opportunity to express their personal wants and needs to adults by exploring and discussing the issue, and by writing a personalized [...]

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Everest : a Climber’s Destiny

Situation d'évaluation

The tasks in this evaluation situation lead students to hypothesize as to what happened to George Mallory, a climber who disappeared on Everest in 1924 and whose body was found in 1999. Students will explore important aspects of Everest: the vital process of acclimatization, tragedies that have occurred over the years, a successful climb and finally, some background information on George Mallory’s fateful climb

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The Downfall of Stuff : Getting back to a Simpler Life

Situation d'évaluation

During this evaluation situation students reflect on the aspects of acquiring too much stuff and on the effects it has on others. Students reinvest their understanding of oral and written texts in a series of intercom messages in order to persuade their peers and to answer the following guiding question: “What can be done to make ourselves less dependent on stuff?”

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Endangered Species

Situation d'évaluation

This is an Evaluation Situation for Secondary Cycle 1, year 1. It could be used as an end-of-year task. The topic is Endangered Species.

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Media and Teens 2

Situation d'évaluation

In this Evaluation Situation (ES), students will read (listen and view…) and discuss on the topic. They will reflect on their use of Media and the impact on their lives. Finally, they will answer the question: How do Media have a positive impact on you?

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Media and Teens 1 (anglais enrichi)

Situation d'évaluation

According to many surveys and popular opinion, students spend too much time in front of the TV set, the Internet, listening to music instead of studying or doing other activities. In this Evaluation Situation (ES), students will read and discuss on the topic. They will reflect on their everyday life habits, and they will survey their schoolmates on theirs. Finally, they will answer the question: What do I think of my Media Profile?

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Risky Business secondaire régulier

Situation d'évaluation

By carrying out three complex tasks, students will be able to answer the driving question: How risky is my lifestyle?

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Is Magic Really Magic ?

Situation d'évaluation

The student will, at the end of the L.E.S. take a stand in favour or against the issue of revealing magic secrets by writing a letter of opinion to a magician, Fox television, the Outagamie Museum in Appleton, Wisconsin or other organisations.

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Children at Work

Situation d'évaluation

The reinvestment and writing task in this situation requires students to create two voice threads that describe the life of two different characters from the 19th century, based on two photographs supplied in the Reinvestment and Writing Booklet.

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Méli-mélo science et technologie

Situation d'évaluation

Un défi scientifique, qui porte sur la séparation des mélanges, est proposé aux élèves de la classe. Ces derniers doivent regarder et écouter attentivement une vidéo, afin de s’informer sur leur défi avant de le réaliser. Contenu : un fichier .zip de 15.5 Mo comprenant : cahier_tache_1.doc cahier_tache_2.dpc guide.doc melimelo.wmv mot de passe bim.doc renseignements [...]

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A Worthy Knight EESL

Situation d'évalution

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My Music Lesson

Situation d'évaluation

Description : Dans cette situation d’évaluation les élèves aideront Jake à choisir une leçon de musique. Ils apprendront et auront à réinvestir de l’information au sujet de différents instruments de musique. Contenu : un fichier .zip de 47 766 Ko comprenant : Guide de l’enseignant, Cahier de l’élève Fichiers multimédia pour le ppt et TNI [...]

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Cupcake Challenge

Situation d'évaluation

Dans cette situation d’évaluation, les élèves participeront au concours de cuisine de petits gâteaux. Ils auront à créer le certificat pour le gagnant du concours. Contenu :  un fichier .zip de 27 762 Ko contenant : Guide l’enseignant Affiches Cahier de lecture Cahier de l’élève Exemples de certificat. Type de documents : PPT, documents version [...]

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Cercle de lecture

Cercle de lecture autour d'un roman en exemplaires multiples.

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Trésor de Brion (Le)

Répertoire (3e secondaire)

Guillaume, un jeune pêcheur madelinot, rapporte d’une plongée sous-marine une croix, ornée de messages codés, qui lui ouvre le chemin de l’aventure et des rêves de trésor

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