Why are frogs important to us ?

Situation d'évaluation

In this evaluation situation, you will learn about frogs and discover their importance to the earth, humans and the environment.
You will read and discuss texts about different types of frogs. At the end of this evaluation situation, you will invent your own frog. Your teacher will be evaluating how you work and participate
so, do your best, and remember to speak English!

Contenu : Un fichier .zip de 2,3 Mo contenant :

  • Teachers_booklet.pdf
  • Students_booklet.pdf
  • game_template.pdf
  • good_knowledge_cards.pdf
  • good_stunt_cards.pdf
  • grille C1.pdf
  • grille C2.pdf
  • grille C3.pdf
  • fiche description mandat RRELS.doc
  • frogs sec 1 core exam adm guide.pdf

Sources  : Geneviève Dumas, Julie Spingola-Jobin et José Pinard (responsable), CS des Découvreurs. jose.pinard@csdecou.qc.ca

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Cette œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution – Pas d’utilisation commerciale – Partage dans les mêmes conditions 4.0 International.

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